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“It takes a village to raise a child”. ​

This is very true when it comes to nurturing and developing young children. It is not only the interaction between student, teacher and school that develops a child. Parental involvement and community partnerships play a very important part too in ensuring the development of a holistic individual.
Over the years, we have planned and organised many activities and events that have parental involvement. We have had a Sports Carnival and Family Day Carnival. We invite parents to talk and share during various events such as festive celebrations like Chinese New Year, Hari Raya and Deepavali. We have many parents who volunteer to do book
reading sessions with the various classes and to conduct traditional snacks demonstration during festive events.
To create greater awareness of the community children live in, we have invited many community partners to our Kindergarten, as well as conducted visits to community organisations. We have officers from the Health Promotion Board who come to conduct a vision test for children and explain the importance of taking care of our eyes, staff who teach the correct way to maintain a good oral hygiene, officers from the army to share about their experience in planning for National Day and officers from the Singapore Police Force who teach children the importance of personal safety and roadside manners.
We conduct trips to the National Library for children to be exposed to the joy of reading, organise a tour to a primary school to allow our graduating students to experience what a primary school is like and collaborated with the Singapore Kindness Movement to conduct a puppet show with Singa, the courtesy lion, and the kindness cubbies to teach children the meaning of being kind and courteous.
All these programs and partnerships ensure our children receive a well round education and learning experience.
"Thank you for being so kind and wonderful to our precious little ones. You make us feel so comforted that you look after our kids so well. I do not know what we would do without you."
"Thank you for nurturing our kids into mature little boys. Thank you for all your care & concern, your time, love and effort! We really appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts."
"You all are doing such a wonderful, wonderful job. Hats off to you! I feel proud and grateful that my kid is doing so well - and I know it is thanks to all your hard work and passion."